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Board of Education Committees
Approved January 17, 2001




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President Peggy Cooper Cafritz, Chairperson
(All members of the Board of Education)

The oversight responsibilities of the Committee of the Whole include, but are not limited to:

  • Receiving monthly Committee reports.
  • Providing oversight for Public Charter Schools authorized by the Board of Education including policy guidelines, application procedures for new schools and ongoing monitoring of implementation and progress of existing Public Charter Schools.
  • Coordinating overall strategies for the Board of Education in carrying out its statutory responsibilities.
  • Conducting the Annual Review of the school system pursuant to Title 5, Section 220 of the Rules of the Board of Education.
  • Establishing goals and objectives to effectively monitor and evaluate the performance of the Superintendent of Schools pursuant to Title 5, Section 220 of the Rules of the Board of Education.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the internal operation of the Board and its staff.
  • Appointing ad hoc committees as may be appropriate.
  • Monitoring and reviewing contracts with bargaining units and making recommendations regarding negotiated agreements.
  • Reviewing school closing proposals and recommending appropriate action.

The Committee of the Whole reserves the right to consider matters not otherwise designated to be the jurisdiction of other committees and may consider from time to time, matters brought before it at the discretion of the Chairman. As approved by the Board of Education, any issue referred to a committee of the Board that is not acted upon by the committee within 90 days may be acted upon by the Committee of the Whole.

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Laura Gardner and Tommy Wells, Co-Chairpersons
(5 Members)

The Committee on Special Education & Student Services shall have oversight responsibility for all educational operations, reform efforts and programs inclusive of curriculum and instructional support, educational standards, assessment and accountability.

The specific Committee responsibilities are:

  • Monitoring and reviewing the content, operation, and effectiveness of all educational programs, pre-k through 12, with particular emphasis on efforts to reform and set higher standards for student performance in the Early Childhood, Elementary, Junior High/Middle, and the Renaissance Senior High Schools.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the entire performance of the delivery of special education services, including assessments, placements and reevaluations.
  • Monitoring the Superintendent's implementation of curriculum, instructional support, and new initiatives.
  • Monitoring the receipt, disseminations and implementation of grants designed to improve Math/Science/Technology instruction.
  • Monitoring the Superintendent's implementation of student testing, assessment and school evaluations.
  • Reviewing and monitoring the results of student assessments, including the present citywide testing program and all efforts to broaden assessment to become more performance-based.
  • Monitoring the implementation of graduation requirements in general, including a review and study of the effect on special student populations.
  • Monitoring and assessing the performance of school-based governance, Local School Restructuring Teams (LSRT) and other initiatives, including but not limited to enterprise schools, teacher-led charter schools, Public Charter Schools, and the educational aspects of management services contracts.
  • Monitoring the implementation and progress of the Goals 2000 initiative and other ongoing District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) initiatives.
  • Reviewing and monitoring the ongoing implementation of all School to Work initiatives, including the Linking Learning to Earning initiative, and other programs associated with outside organizations.
  • Monitoring the operation of student services, inclusive of, but not limited to counseling, athletics, extracurricular activities, student health and nutrition, student government, the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and Anti-Drug Abuse Programs and Services.
  • Reviewing and monitoring enrollment and attendance data and related policies.
  • Monitoring Board policies relating to student regulations in areas such as dress codes and close campuses.
  • Monitoring the implementation of Chapter 25, including suspension, expulsion and discipline policies, alternative programs and placements, as well as, in-school suspension programs.
  • Surveying and monitoring parent, student, and community opinions of D.C. Public Schools' educational services and the interactive relationship of organizations, such as the Parent-Teacher-School Associations (PTAs) and the Home/School Associations.
  • Monitoring the work of special "Task Forces" developed to enhance programs and services to the students of the District of Columbia Public Schools.

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William Lockridge and Robert Peck, Co-Chairpersons
(5 Members)

The Committee on Finances & Finances shall have oversight responsibility for budgetary allocation and expenditure of all D.C. Public School funds, as well as, the management, administrative and support functions of the school facilities. Further, the Committee shall have oversight responsibility for all functions associated with the rules of the Board of Education

The specific responsibilities shall include:

  1. Reviewing and monitoring the budgets (appropriated, non-appropriated and capital) of the D.C. Public Schools, and executing those responsibilities incumbent in the annual consideration and review of the budget, including public hearings and budget formulation, justification, execution and audit.
  2. Monitoring the management and financial aspects of Federally funded programs and other grants.
  3. Providing ongoing oversight of all financial formulas, components, and reporting, including a consolidated program budget, a citizens' budget summary, school-based budget, periodic reports, reprogramming of funds and other formats.
  4. Conducting ongoing review and evaluation of the budgetary impact of contractual agreements including outsourcing.
  5. Monitoring and evaluating the overall administrative structure, policies and practices of administrative and financial services.
  6. Monitoring management policies and practices of the administrative and financial services.
  7. Developing and monitoring financial and asset management strategies to develop and best utilize the fiscal resources of the D.C. Public Schools.
  8. Reviewing and monitoring hiring practices, employment standards, staffing and recruitment, and recommending policies to improve the acquisition, development, evaluation and retention of a quality workforce.
  9. Analyzing and evaluating the budgetary and management impact of proposed contracts with bargaining units.
  10. Considering the legal sufficiency and format, and recommending appropriate action regarding rulemaking and legislative proposals when recommended by the substantive committees.
  11. Monitoring and overseeing the general operation of the D.C. Public Schools' buildings and grounds.
  12. Monitoring and overseeing progress of Capital Projects.
  13. Monitoring the inventory of the D.C. Public Schools capital facilities.
  14. Monitoring and evaluating the Master Facilities Plan (which includes the development and implementation of a comprehensive long-range capital plan for upgrading, modernizing and replacing schools and facilities to assure meeting of current standards and functional needs.
  15. Conducting a review of present and proposed building use agreements and leases, and making recommendations to the Board.
  16. Monitoring the establishment and modifications of school boundaries in accordance with demographic trends and building capacities.
  17. Monitoring the implementation of and compliance with the fire/life safety codes and initiatives.
  18. Promoting and monitoring efforts to increase energy efficiency and recycling in all D.C. Public Schools buildings.
  19. Monitoring physical security to ensure safety in all D.C. Public Schools buildings and grounds.
  20. Reviewing and monitoring facility requirements and/or modifications associated with current and proposed educational initiatives.

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Charles Lawrence and Julie Mikuta, Co-Chairpersons
(3 Members)

The Committee on Instruction shall have oversight responsibility for all activities and policies affecting educational objectives, content and performance standards, instructional assessment and academic accountability.

The specific responsibilities of the Committee shall include the following.

  1. Collaborate with the Finance & Facilities Committee to ensure that the Master Facilities Plan supports the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Instructional (Academic) Programs.
  2. Monitor the development, implementation and ongoing revision of the DCPS Instructional (Academic) Plan.
  3. Review the Instructional (Academic) Plan and provide feedback to the DCPS Administration.
  4. Review and monitor the implementation of the DCPS Academic Plan and those activities/programs supporting the plan, including teacher training, technology usage, instructional materials, budgetary requirements, school partnerships and community relationships.
  5. Review performance criteria, assessment instruments and promotion policies at each school level and facilitate public forums.
  6. Review the academic climate, expectations, teamwork and other factors affecting performance at the local school levels and conduct public forums on ways to improve educational programs and school climate.
  7. Conduct a review of the Local School Restructuring Team (LSRT), particularly with respect to its effectiveness in influencing local school decision-making on academic practices, policies and implementation.
  8. Receive and recommend to the Board the proposed school calendar.

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Roger Wilkins and Dwight Singleton, Co-Chairpersons
(_____ Members)

The Committee on Operations and Big Ideas shall be responsible for

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