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District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors Wesley A. Brown Confirmation Resolution of 1998
PR 12-955

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Chairman Linda W. Cropp at the request of the Mayor


To confirm the appointment of Mr. Wesley A. Brown to the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors.

RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the "District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors Wesley A. Brown Confirmation Resolution of 1998".

Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the appointment of:

Wesley A. Brown
6101 16th Street, N.W., #805
Washington, D.C. 20011
(Ward 4)

as a Alternate member of the Board, established by section 2(d) of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors Establishment and Department of Public Works Reorganization Act of 1996, effective April 18, 1996 (D.C. Law 11111; 43 DCR 548), for a term to end September 12, 1998 and for a full 4 year term to commence.

Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution, upon its adoption, each to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.

Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

6101  16TH STREET, N.W., APT. 805
TELEPHONE: (202) 726-9240


BS Mechanical Engineering — U. S. Naval Academy 1949
MCE Civil Engineering — Rensselaer Polytechnic institute 1951

Other: George Washington University, Engineering Administration, 1955-1957, 18 graduate credit hours; Baruch College, Public Administration, 1969-1974, 33 graduate credits.


1976-1988 Physical Facilities Analyst, Office of University Planning, Howard University. Washington, D.C. Developed and maintained Physical Facilities component of the University Master Plan; reviewed new construction projects for consistency with the Master Plan. Retired 1988.

1974-1976 Project Manager, New York State Dormitory Authority, Nassau Community College. Constructed Library and Classroom Buildings, ($41 million), Physical Education Building and 12-story Administration Building ($26 million).

1969-1974 Project Manager, New York State University Construction Fund, Stony Brook Campus. Constructed South Campus ($20 million), Graduate Chemistry Building ($21 million), Graduate Biological Science Building ($20 million), Graduate Physics-Math Tower ($35 million), Library Addition ($10 million), Health Sciences Center ($60 million), Hospital ($50 million).


12/65–6/69 Public Works Officer and Officer in Charge of Construction. Naval Air Station Brooklyn, New York. Supervised public works planning, design, construction and repair, including buildings, roads, and airfield facilities.

12/64–12/65 Planning Officer and Senior Project Manager U.S. Public Works Center, Guantanamo Bay. Cuba. Coordinated, through six subordinate project managers, all construction and repair projects of the Naval Station.

12/62–12/64 Planning Officer, Construction Forces, U.S. Atlantic Commander Fleet. Planned peacetime and mobilization construction projects in Europe, Africa, South America and Antarctica to be accomplished by Naval Construction Forces (Sea Bees). While on special assignment to U.S. AID (State Department) planned construction of highways in the Republic of Liberia, the Central African Republic and the Republic of Upper Volta.

9/59–12/62 Assistant Public Works Officer, Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, Hawaii. Functions and responsibilities similar to 12/65–6/69 assignment above.

7/57–9/59 Construction Equipment Officer (Department Head), U.S. Naval Construction Battalion Center, Davisville, Rhode Island. Supervised the maintenance and repair of automotive and construction equipment (350 mechanics) utilized by Naval Construction Forces.

9/55–7/57 Staff Assistant (Quality Control) to the Assistant Chief for Maintenance and Material, Naval Facilities Engineering Command. Washington, D.C. Supervised the preparation of engineering specifications, procurement documents and quality control procedures for construction equipment purchased by the Navy.

9/53–9/55 Field Construction Superintendent, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion FIVE, Cubi Point, Republic of the Philippines. Supervised military and civilian personnel in the construction of highways, storm drainage systems, the major power distribution system and waterfront facilities.

9/51–9/53 Engineering Design Division Supervisor, Public Works Department, Naval Supply Center, Bayonne, New Jersey. Supervised thirty architects, engineers, draftsmen and construction inspectors.

4/50–9/51 Student, Graduate School (Civil Engineering), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York.

7/49–4/50 Public Works Department, Boston Naval Shipyard, Charleston, Massachusetts. In training, newly commissioned Civil Engineer Corps Officer.


National Business Consultants. Inc., 1984-87. Chief Executive Officer/Senior Engineer. Sub-contractor to Executive Resources Associates, Inc. on $467,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Administration professional services contract.

Cox and Associates. P.C. — Certified Public Accountants, 1987-1988. Senior Associate for Management and Engineering Studies. Conducted a study of State of Kentucky Capital Construction Management organization and staffing.

LICENSE: Registered Professional Engineer (Rhode Island #2133) since 1957.

MEMBERSHIPS: U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Trustee (elected). 1985-l988

Chairman, D.C. Delegate Walter Fauntroy's Congressional Nominations Review Board, U.S. Service Academies, 1988-91; Member, Delegate Eleanor Norton's Board since 1991.

Secretary of the Navy's Advisory Board on Naval History

Howard University Advisory Board on Black Civil War Sailors Project

National Naval Officer's Association, U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association and U. S. Naval Institute.

Navy League of U.S.

Association of the Study of Negro Life and History.


"The First Negro Graduate of Annapolis Tells His Story". Saturday EVENING POST, June 15, 1949.

"Eleven Men of West Point," NEGRO HISTORY BULLETIN, April 1956.

"Work Sampling: Equipment Repair Operations." NAVY CIVIL ENGINEER, February 1958.

"Soil Cement Pavements," PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATE MAGAZINE, October 1951.

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