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August 20, 2000


Dear Fellow Grumblers:

I've been in a bad mood the past few days. Perhaps it's my bad back, but the items in the news haven't helped to restore my normally sunny and upbeat outlook on life in DC.

Ms. Persiflage's speculation in the last issue of themail that the reduction in street signs is a deliberate plan to increase customer traffic in small businesses is a better economic development idea than any that has come out of the city's Economic Development cluster (a baseball stadium, Olympics facilities, more big toys downtown for suburban millionaires to play with).

Dan Tagherliini's “Close to Home” article in today's Washington Post trumpeted the news that there have been tremendous improvements in the condition of the city's streets — it's news because nobody who drives on the city's streets would have noticed any improvement if Tagherlini hadn't mentioned it.

Ernestine Jones, the chief of the Child and Family Services Agency, announced that she was above local law and free to defy Superior Court Judges because she was appointed as a receiver by a federal judge. Carolyn Graham, the Deputy Mayor for Child and Family Services, issued a report on how badly Child and Family Services were being administered under Jones, when Jones had been appointed because of how badly these programs had been administered by the city government.

The school system announced plans to pay parents of special education children up to $7,500 per child per school year to transport their own children to school — Ed Barron comments on that below, but does it even need comment? Doesn't just reading it drive you to sing the Dragnet theme: “Dumb, de dumb dumb.” Oh, my aching back.

Gary Imhoff


City Extra Vigilance
Margaret Siegel,

Well, the parking enforcement people have done it again -- my car was ticketed for having both an expired and a current residential parking sticker on it — I plan to write a letter of protest, but wonder if anyone has had this problem, or knows what the rationale is for limiting the number of stickers. By the way, I only have the two, and they are tucked into a corner of the windshield.


Basic Services
Vivian Henderson,

Re the 8/13 bit on How to Get Basic Services from John Whiteside. If you find a way, please put it in themail. I am disgusted with the complete range of city services. I have been trying to get the alley cleaned and all of the trash picked up. If you put two bags of yard waste out, they only pick up one. Folks need to look around our city, and see that it looks terrible. The new administration planted trees in the center of 16th street, surrounded with brick pavers. The grass has grown up through the pavers and all around the bases of the trees. Why didn't they just plant a ground cover? Has anyone seen a street cleaner since Anthony has been in office? Something must be done. We are beginning to look like any old dirty city, and we don't deserve that because this is really a beautiful city when it is kept clean. How do you get directly to the Mayor?


Hard to Believe
Ed T. Barron,

Is it possible that the DCPS will actually be asking parents of disabled and special Ed students to convey their own children to and from schools? This is potentially the most chaotic solution (?) to the transportation problem. It is doubtful that most parents have the means or the time available to provide these transportation services. Yes, they will be paid to do that (up to $7500) for each student, but that simply won't work in most cases. Perhaps this will spawn a new entrepreneurial transport effort to help get these children to their assigned schools. The real solution is to find a better way to educate these students in the DCPS.


Pre-Primary, Neutral Polls
Jim McLeod, Foggy Bottom,

I think the best answer to Dennis Jaffe’s question (which Council incumbents are considered to be vulnerable and might not be reelected this election year?) is an empirical one based on a neutral poll. But I do not know of any statistically valid, pre-primary polls done of D.C. voters for councilmember seats. Lacking such polls, political commentators talk about how much money the candidates have raised without getting into much detail about the source of that money.

In 1997, in response to a report about a low (7%) voter turnout, I wrote a letter to the editor of The Current, which is distributed in most of Wards 2 and 3. I said, “I believe your paper should take some credit for the above average turnout in the Wards 2 and 3. Once again, you provided voters in areas of those wards covered by your paper with detailed information about the candidates and their stand on issues. This is a great help to residents in deciding that their vote might make a difference. The thing I still see lacking, however, is voter surveys. Why don't news organizations sponsor polls of District voters? It would help get the word out that an election is coming up, cause residents to ask themselves why they favor a particular candidate, and even give your paper and others a means of gauging the effectiveness of their endorsements.”

Of all the papers and news stations in town, why doesn't one or more sponsor a poll to provide an objective answer to Mr. Jaffe’s question and maybe in the process get residents asking questions about who is running, why, and what they stand for. Instead, after the primary, the same commentators who say it will be a surprise if the incumbents aren't reelected, will scold voters for not coming out to the polls.


Adams-Morgan Garage
Jon Desenberg,

I was shocked to see that Constantine Stavropoulos, owner of the popular Tryst cafe on 18th Street in Adams-Morgan, is circulating a petition and trying other legal maneuvers to delay the long planned construction of the condominium / retail / parking garage between 18th and Champlain. I am one of many people who has worked for many years to get this attractive, multi-functional development underway. Now, just weeks before construction, Mr. Stavropoulos wants to instead re-design it as a monster lot for almost six hundred cars. The thought of a huge ugly monstrosity spitting hundreds of cars onto already jammed streets is truly frightening.

Mr. Stavropoulos' establishment seem to be doing very well already, but if he wants additional patrons perhaps he can encourage them to take public transportation, instead of creating a dangerous, ugly, and polluting structure in our neighborhood.


Should be a Beautiful Spring
Ed T. Barron,

Judging from the incredibly extensive re-landscaping of the entire landscapable area around the A.U. Law School Building at 48th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, it should be a dynamite spring next year. The new construction is complete save for the large fountain at the front entrance. That should be completed in a couple of weeks.


Racist TV
Todd Bussert, Capitol Hill,

According to CBS's web site, “Jack Mannion (Craig T. Nelson) is the new police commissioner of Washington, D.C., brought in to overhaul an antiquated system ill-equipped to deal with the problems of a sprawling, crime-ridden city. As much a friend to ordinary citizens as to high-ranking politicians, Mannion has quite a task ahead of him. He immediately selects the most promising officers around him to become his circle of aides. Mannion and this group of modern-day Untouchables set out to bring order to the District and to clamp down on the crime in America's capital.”

Rumor has it that “The District” not only depicts a corrupt black mayor, a caricature of our own “Mayor for Life,” but that the crusading new, white commissioner is brought in to replace an incompetent, black predecessor. If matters were not bad enough, the chief's main partner-in-crime (or perhaps partner-against-crime) is an idealistic young white officer. Notwithstanding the rumors, CBS's own description of the show suggests, at a minimum, a level of subversive racism that can not be tolerated in this day and age. Despite its many problems, the District — the “real” District — is on the rise. The last thing either it or its residents need is a perpetuation of tired, outdated stereotypes.


The New Black Panther Party Leaders
Peter Luger,

Here is just a little bit of information (courtesy of an editorial by Nat Hentoff of the Washington Post) about Khallid Muhammad. (He and Malik Zulu Shabazz have plenty to say about gay people and Catholics as well.)

From the stage (of the Million Youth March), Khallid Muhammad shouted to the crowd that if “'they (the police) attack you, take their nightsticks away — the way they did to Abner Louima — and run it up their behinds ... and beat the hell out of them. Take their guns away and use their guns in self-defense.”' Reacting to what Norman Siegel called “a smashing First Amendment victory,”' (when the courts ruled the Million Youth March should proceed) Khallid Muhammad said, on leaving the courtroom, that the United States Constitution “'is not worth the paper it was printed on.”' As for the Jewish civil libertarian and the Jewish judge who affirmed his First Amendment rights, Muhammad continued to speak, at the march, of all Jews as “bloodsuckers.”' For weeks, Khallid Muhammad's Million Youth March — held Sept. 5 in Harlem — was preceded by fierce clashes between Muhammad and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Muhammad, a former high official of the Nation of Islam, had been expelled by Louis Farrakhan because Muhammad's bigotry exceeded even that of his former leader.

Malik Zulu Shabazz in his own words:

“Are you going to deny that the Jewish people have been substantially and significantly involved in the African holocaust? They have and you can't deny that.”
“He is a scribe, a Jewish writer. The number one enemies of Christ were scribes. If they were responsible for killing Christ, what chance does little ol' me have?”
“What make the European Jewish people so arrogant that what they have done to our people they don't have to apologize for?”
Shabazz: “Who is it that caught and killed Nat Turner?”
Audience: “Jews!”
Shabazz: “Who is that controls the Federal Reserve?”
Audience: “Jews!” (faintly)
Shabazz: “What? You're not scared, are you?”
Audience: “Jews! Jews!”
Shabazz: “Who is it that controls the media and Hollywood?”
Audience: “Jews! Jews!”
Shabazz: “Who is it that has our entertainers and our athletes in a vise grip?”
Audience: “Jews!”
Shabazz: “Who is spying on Black leaders and Martin Luther King and set up his death?”
Audience: “Jews!”
Shabazz: “I say to all Jewish people and all white people, 'stop pushing your Holocaust down my throat, when the black holocaust is the worst holocaust humanity has ever seen.”
“We will never bow down to the white, Jewish, Zionist onslaught.”
“The Caucasians and the Government are arrogant, telling us how to suffer. America should be glad that every black man is not on a killing spree for all the suffering they have done.”
“We want to bring on the former national spokesman for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. We want to bring on a man who gives the white man nightmares. We want to bring on a man who makes the Jews pee in their pants at night. My big brother, Dr. Khalid Muhammad!”
As the organizer of the “Black Holocaust Nationhood Conference” in Washington, DC, in October 1995

Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his own words:
“This will be a direct confrontation with the Jews of that area who have misused and abused our people in Brooklyn and Crown Heights for so long.”
“Well, I can't be an anti-Semite, in the sense that they say, because they're not the Semites. But let's leave that to the side, whatever the hell they say they are, I'm anti-[sic]. If you say you're a Semite — even though I know goddamn well you're not a Semite, if you just say you're one — I'm against you. If you say you're white, goddammit I'm against you. If you're a Jew, I'm against you. Whatever the hell you want to call yourself, I'm against you. Whatever the hell you want to call yourself.”
“Notice the crackers here at Cal Poly pretending to be righteous. Look at them as they walk around San Luis Obispo, arrogant peckerwoods. Stop going on college campuses and developing alliances with the white Zionists, and dicing your own people.”
“The so-called Jew claims that there were six million in Nazi Germany. I am here today to tell you that there is absolutely no evidence, no proof. There is absolutely no evidence to substantiate, to prove that six million so-called Jews lost their lives in Nazi Germany.”
“Don't let no hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating, perpetrating-a-fraud so-called Jew who just crawled out of the ghettoes of Europe just a few days ago. . . .”
“The practice of those freakish Rabbis [circumcision] is that they place their lips on the penis of these young boys and after they have cut the foreskin back, suck the blood from the head of the penis of their own young boys. . . .”
“The Federal Reserve is privately owned and a so-called Jew controls the Federal Reserve . . . Talking about the National Debt, the Federal Debt, someone should ask, well who the hell do we owe. . . . And who in the world has that much money that we would get in debt with them. . . . Who are the rich power brokers behind the scenes? Why is the Federal Reserve controlled by the so-called Jew.”
“The Jew-nited Nations in Jew York City. . . .”
“They are stealing our oil money, stealing our diamonds, and our gold, they have robbed us of our natural resources, our material resources and robbed us of our human resources.”
“Our entertainers, our basketball players, our football players, our track stars, our baseball players, our entertainers and athletes are in the palm of the white Zionist Jew's hand. . . .”
“The white man is not only practicing racism and Zionism and with the prostitution ring, the so-called Jew man with the Jew woman all over the world to make a few dollars. He is also practicing sexism. He's a racist, he's a Zionist, a sexist, and imperialist. He's a no good bastard. He's not a devil, the white man is the Devil.”
“. . . [T]he World Bank. Who's pimping the world? The hairy hidden hands of the Zionist in the world. . . . Let Greenspan, so-called Jew, just hint that he's going to raise the interest rate, nations of the earth run all over the globe. What kind of power is this?”
“. . . Stealberg, they call him Stealberg. When it's Swindler's list, they call it Schindler's list. They said that they would move into the Government, manipulate from behind the scenes, manipulate the Congress, manipulate the White House, manipulate the Political process, manipulate affirmative action, welfare reform, all of the things that you thought would save you.”
“The nerve of them to get angry with him [O.J. Simpson attorney Johnny Cochran] because he paralleled Mark Fuhrman with Adolf Hitler. Look at it, so-called Jew. Look at it, impostor Jew. Somebody must call you what you are. Somebody must look you in your cold lying blue eyes and pull the cover off of you today. I don't give a damn about you and I will give you hell from the cradle to the grave.”
On the weekend proceeding the October 16, 1995 Million Man March, Muhammad was the keynote speaker at the “Black Holocaust Nationhood Conference.” [not sponsored by NOI].


New Black Panthers and Reparations
Mike Livingston,

Interesting news from Bryce Suderow. I don't know when the New Black Panthers emerged, but I do know they didn't start and don't lead the reparations movement. The national campaign for reparations for labor extracted without compensation from slaves of U.S. citizens, pursuant to the legal precedent set by reparations to Japanese-Americans incarcerated and enslaved during World War II, was launched by a book by Randall Robinson, co-chair of Ralph Nader's presidential campaign committee. The Green Party national platform,, supports such reparations.

Malik Shabazz, affiliated with the Umoja Party last time I checked, is one of the “20 Citizens” pressing the claim in Adams v. Clinton that all citizens of the United States are entitled to be citizens of a state — a legal argument which would, unlike the argument in the D.C. Vote case, open the door to D.C. statehood (for which “voting rights” are no substitute). Sorry to digress; Shabazz is legit, but the Greens were into reparations before it was chic.



Ward 2 Candidates Forum
Susie Cambria,

The Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative and DC Action for Children are sponsoring a Ward 2 candidates forum on Tuesday, September 5, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the Martin Luther King Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW. Everyone is encouraged to attend, especially young people. Direct questions to Susie Cambria, 234-9404 or Hope to see you there!


Exhibit Opening: Investigating Where We Live
Mike Hill,

“Investigating Where We Live” will open on Tuesday, August 22, 6-8 p.m., at the National Building Museum, 401 F St., NW, Metro Red Line, Judiciary Square Station. Investigating Where We Live is a five-week summer program in which middle- through high-school students from the metropolitan Washington area use cameras to examine ethnically and culturally diverse District neighborhoods, beyond the monuments. In this year's exhibition, students explore the neighborhoods of Brookland and Shaw. Refreshments will be served. RSVP to Mike Hill at 272-2448, ext. 3301, or E-mail


The Roanoke Rapids Police Club Mountain-Bike Challenge
Kenny and Melody Luter,

The Roanoke Rapids Police Club and Countryside Bicycle presents the third annual Law Enforcement Mountain-Bike Challenge on September 23, 2000. The Law Enforcement Mountain Bike Challenge is open to all LEO and CJ active duty personnel. Enjoy an opportunity to meet other officers from across the state and challenge yourself to a six-hour tag-team mountain bike race.

Rules: Tag-Team Event: each rider must ride one lap at a time and tag off with another team member. (No back to back laps) All participants must be active duty law enforcement or criminal justice personnel. Teams must be comprised of four members. (Teams do not have to be made up from the same department.) Course: The “Ace Track” is a challenging 4.5 miles mountain bike track consisting of rolling terrain. A mountain bike with front suspension is recommended. For directions visit the ace track web site at Registration: $40 if received before September 20, 2000. Race is NORBA sanctioned and requires each rider to have a NORBA license for insurance purposes. Non-NORBA riders may purchase a one-day license for $5 on the day of the event. Contact Kenny Luter, 252-537-5794, E-mail,, or Officer Scott Hall, home 252-535-4827, work 252-583-1991. The Roanoke Rapids Police Club will provide a post race chicken plate dinner for all riders.



Innovative Job Opportunity
Ondine Wilhelm,

Program director of the Youth EcoDesign Corps, Washington, DC. The Youth EcoDesign Corps, a program of the Shaw EcoVillage Project, is a comprehensive certification program that trains high school students in sustainable community development, urban design and professional skill development through hands-on work within the Shaw neighborhood. The Program Director will develop the EcoDesign Corps into a model program for expansion to other Washington, DC, neighborhoods. Responsibilities include program planning and management, curriculum development, staff management and recruitment of students and volunteers.

Qualifications include: bachelors in urban planning, community development, environmental studies or related field; experience in curriculum development and working with youth; excellent communication and organizational skills; expertise in design charrette process and in ArcView (GIS mapping software). Salary commensurate with experience. Position open until filled. Send resume, cover letter and writing sample to or call 265-8899 for more information.



Beth Chai Sunday School Has Places Available
Peggy Robin,

Beth Chai is a small congregation affiliated with the Jewish Humanist movement (for more information about this branch of Judaism, see the organization's web site: http://, which runs an educational program for children ages 5 and up, leading to bar/bat mitzvah after 7th grade. The school meets about 3 Sundays a month throughout the school year, in North Bethesda. There are openings at all grade levels (although a new student entering at 6th or 7th grade may have to complete additional study before becoming a bar/bat mitzvah). What distinguishes the school from those of other area synagogues is its great willingness to work with each student and family's own individual approach to Jewish studies; a student may follow a largely traditional path to bar/bat mitzvah, or may craft his or her own unique path, based on choices made in consultation with the Rabbi (Art Blecher). Beth Chai is not merely accepting of students from families of mixed religious traditions, but actively welcomes them into the school. For more information, please contact Rain Zohav, Director, Beth Chai Family School at 301-933-8308 or visit the Beth Chai web site at



Oil Crisis
Lorie Leavy,

I'm in the process of replacing my old oil furnace for a gas-fired one, and I'm stuck with about 200 gallons of high-priced fuel oil that my supplier was wily enough to deliver right at the end of last spring's heating season. Does anyone know of a firm that will buy unused fuel oil — or, at the very least, will not charge me to pump it out? Also, in a related vein, can anyone recommend a reasonable and reliable chimney cleaning service?


Desperately Seeking Help Around the House
Willie Schatz,

I need an electrician who won't break my bank and will light up my mostly dark basement now. I also need a handy-person for some minor repairs ASAP (a little later than NOW, but not much).


Web Site Design and Development
Peg Blechman,

Any suggestions regarding classes in web site design and development that are offered for free or cheap in DC?


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