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August 17, 1998

Plugging Back In

Dear DCStory Subscriber:

As Jeff Itell has already written you, rumors of the death of DCStory have been greatly exaggerated. The mailing list is alive and well. Only its name and address have been changed, to protect the innocent and Jeff's right to the DCStory name.

DCStory, now renamed themail@dcwatch will continue to publish on Wednesdays and Sundays. The next regular issue will come out on Sunday, August 23. themail@dcwatch will still depend on you, and on your willingness to share information about what's going on in this town and in our neighborhoods throughout DC. Please continue to post just as you have in the past — and please do it quickly, since the E-mailbag is empty, and I don't have any messages to publish right now. If you don't have any other burning issues, what do your think of the candidates in the upcoming primary election races? Who's best, who's worst, who's not what he or she seems?

The guidelines for posting remain the same. All submissions should be about life, government, or politics in the District of Columbia in one way or another. All postings must be signed in order to be printed, and messages should be reasonably short — one or two brief paragraphs would be ideal — so that as many messages as possible can be put into each mailing.

Please update your address for the mailing list now. Send all your postings, as well as all requests to subscribe or unsubscribe, to . I hope that Jeff will forward any stray messages that get sent to him by mistake for the next week or two, but let's try not to impose on his patience too much.

In closing, I want to thank Jeff for creating and maintaining DCStory. I've always found it interesting, usually found it amusing, and frequently found it useful. I hope that we can continue at the high level of quality that he established.

Gary Imhoff

Send mail with questions or comments to
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