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December 14, 1997

Your Electronic Backfence

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Dear Neighbors:

Remember, this Tuesday dc.parties at TGI FRIDAY’S in Friendship Heights. Discover the face behind that email handle. Everyone is invited to party on December 16 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Free munchies and low-cost drinks.


Raise your hand if you remember the Kerner Commission. If you do, then you are really old and it’s time to start moving your money from stocks to bonds. Now I may have my commissions mixed up — I think Kerner was the national commission set up to deal with the 1965 race riots — but the point I’m driving at, and there is one here, is that it’s time for an outside commission to scrub down the city. No one left in town has the credibility to roto-rooter out corruption from the police department. An old saying goes that about 10 percent of policemen are incorruptible, 10 percent are dishonest, and 85 percent go which ever way the tide flows. Which goes to prove that "old saying" creators can’t add. But we get their point. The Control Board came in to fix the finances. Now they are the management gang. The Attorney General’s Office under Eric Holder seems to have operated under a prevent defense posture: "Don’t lose a big case or Eric won’t get that big promotion." And, of course, there hasn’t been an effective Inspector General in this town since the position was created, which is an incredible disgrace and disservice to the pubic.

So, here’s what we do. Well, more precisely what Le Prez ought to do when not dialing for DNC dollars. Establish separate commissions to investigate police and procurement corruption. Staff the leadership of the commissions with outsiders. How about former New York City Police Chief William Bratton chairing the Police Commission? Let them take testimony, conduct investigations, and make recommendations to the President. Let them grant immunity. Let them get the story out. We know both functions stink in this city. We just don’t know how the fish kill occurred.

Why should Le Prez do this? I don’t know. With city residents being so disrespectful, I can see him telling us to go to hell. In addition, the commission approach would be resisted by all the entrenched forces. You can see the city bureaucracy resisting. But Justice probably would object as well, claiming the commission was messing with ongoing investigations. Well, we’ve heard about ongoing investigations for years. The Grand Jur(ies) get to hear the best stories in town. Meanwhile, we are left in the dark.

Under the bright light of commission exposure, and with some immunity dangled in there, the rats will begin to either start singing or jump ship. Either way, the city wins. After all, is the goal to fill up the overfilled jails or create a trustworthy government?


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In this issue of dc.story, MCI Ooh-La-La, posting proliferation, alternative movie houses, and some thoughts on griping.

Jeffrey Itell



John Whiteside

Mark David Richards comments on the Post’s opinion that DC elected officials ought not to be griping about Clinton’s disappointing "speech" about DC. Well, as vague and meaningless as Clinton’s comments were, I have trouble stomaching complaints from our elected "leaders." Given their uniformly bad performance, they lack any credibility to complain about what anyone has to say about the District.

I’ve lived here a relatively short time, but I think that gives me some perspective: I can remember how local government is supposed to work. And it hasn’t taken me long to come to the conclusion that the root of DC’s problems is not the feds, not Marion Barry, not the city council, not suburban commuters, but ultimately Washingtonians. I have never seen a population so unwilling to demand accountability from its elected government. Until we are willing to use what electoral power we’ve got to demand better from city government, it’s not going to chance — and the rest of the country will be unmoved to help out.

I get as tired as anyone else of hearing people say, "How could Washington elect Barry again?" But at the same time: how could we? How could we keep reelectiing comatose city councillors? If District residents could get half as fired up about the state of the city as we do about home rule, we wouldn’t be having many of today’s problems.


Posting Proliferation

Does this mean that anything posted in dc story is potential Washington Post material? Or do they seek permission first? While I realize this newsletter is pretty public it still ain’t the Post. It *seems* more private or at least anonymous. Just something posters should be aware of one way or the other.

[No one should be under the misconception that their postings are anonymous. Note all postings require a name and email address, except for Joanna who raised the point but didn’t provide her last name. Why? Because by posting on dc.story, you are taking responsibility for your own observations, opinions, and analyses.

The dc.story mailing list is read by members of a number of media outlets and by government officials. I would think many of you would be delighted to know that your participation can make a difference in the affairs of this city. Regarding Joanna’s point, other media may make "fair use" of the material published here. What typically happens, however, is that a reporter will see an item that piques his or her interest and then follow up with the author. Jeffrey]



MCI Center
Greg Jones

As one whose infrequent postings to DC Story have been complaints or gripes of one kind or another, I would like this time to take a different tack. Last Tuesday I attended the Washington Wizards’ basketball game at the new MCI Center. The Center is a five-minute walk from my office, so a friend and I met after work, had a quick dinner and went to the game (which started at 7 PM and was over by a bit after 9). This is a wonderful facility to have in our downtown area! While the building’s architectural merits are a matter of some dispute (I like it, though), and its seating somewhat cramped, the building’s very presence can only be a net plus — a big net plus, one hopes — for DC. Mr. Pollin and the others involved richly deserve our thanks.


Alternative Movie Houses
Leslie Ruskin Shanti.Ruskin@LMCO.Com

Has anyone heard anything on the (seemingly) new movie theater in Rosslyn inside (I think) the USA Today building? It is called the Rosslyn something or another? Just wondering. Whenever I pass it driving on 66 on my to VA I notice that the movie it is playing does not appear to be of the first run type.


American University Movie Concept
H. Olson Olson_H@BLS.GOV


AU has both a communications and a theater department. The theaters that they have on campus are small (inappropriately small for a school of its size). However, as a recent AU graduate I do not recall AU showing any kind of film series for the outside public. Despite this, I think the idea is a good one. The theater department would be a good place to start, as well as contacting some of the student organizations on campus. Getting student support would really further the cause. (I think the students would also really appreciate some kind of film series other than the occasional mainstream flick AU might offer.) Finally, AU is always looking for a way to foster better relations with the outside community.


So you’re interested in that big advertising spot in the beginning of dc.story? Contact Jan Genzer — the dc.story marketing maven—at or call him at 202.364.0383.


Volunteer to Help the Homeless: The Homeless Breakfast Program of St. Margaret’s Church is needs volunteers with cars to deliver once per week baked goods to homeless shelters and soup kitchens in NW DC. Help is also needed with media relations, special event planning, and word processing.

— Volunteer to Help the Child Empowerment Network: The Good Knight Child Empowerment Network needs volunteers to help with media relations, special event planning, and word processing. The Good Knight Child Empowerment Network is a not-for-profit corporation which protects children by giving them seminars and educational materials on safety.

Bruce McBarnette, Esq. (703) 404-8429


Latin Dance Party, Saturday, January 24, 7:30 p.m.- Until at Fellini. Dance lessons and demonstration begin at 7:30pm. Fellini’s is at 1800 M St., NW, Near Dupont Circle. $10 cover. Canned food and clean used clothing will be accepted for Bread for the City, an organization that serves the homeless and the needy in DC. Sponsor: The Capitol Hill Salon, for more party information see the website

---- Beer Tasting Party, Jan 29 at Brickskeller 7-9:30 PM. Taste beers from around the world! Tasting will include food, beer lecture, and silent auction, and will benefit the Homeless Breakfast Program of St. Margaret’s Church. Brickskeller is at 1523 22nd Street, near Dupont Circle. $19 in advance, $25 at the door. You may mail a check with your telephone number and the number of tickets you would like to Bruce McBarnette, 248 Willow Terrace, Sterling, VA 20164. Your tickets will be reserved at the door.

Bruce McBarnette (703) 404-8429.


Massage: Holiday Special! BodyWise BodyWorks has the perfect solution for office, friend, sweetheart: Gift Certificates for a full hour Spoiler Massage. Buy Two, Get A Third For Half Price! Call Jenn: 202-966-6113.

Jenn Weed


Used Camera Lens

In search of good secondhand autofocus macro (35mm - 70mm, or thereabouts) zoom lens for Minolta Maxxum camera body, or suggestions on stores that sell used lenses. Also wanted: advice on how to keep my two year old from dropping my camera.

Phil Greene


For Sale. Desks — 2 ELFA, gray top, white basket file drawers. Excellent condition. each $180 new; now $75 each or 2 for $125.

Cindy Butler


Also free! Free movie passes, short movie reviews, and movie discussion. Send an email message to to subscribe.


dc.story is a discussion group. The opinions stated are the sole responsibility of the authors. dc.story does not verify information provided by readers.

Kibitzing by Jeffrey Itell. Copyright © 1997 All rights reserved.

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