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Petition for Recall of Anthony A. Williams, Mayor
Elijah Gatewood
February 28, 2000




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Paid for by: Zero Tolerance- Recall The Mayor Elijah Gatewood, Treasurer.
1725 Lincoln Rd., NE, Washington, DC 20002


Anthony A. Williams, Mayor

Proposer(s) of Recall: Elijah Gatewood, 1725 Lincoln Rd., NE, Washington, DC 20002

We, the undersigned, being qualified registered voters in the District of Columbia, request that the District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics hold a recall election, as prescribed in Charter Amendment No. 2, to Title IV of the District of Columbia Self Government and Governmental Reorganization Act (D.C.Code §1-291 to 1-295).


Mr. Anthony Williams, Mayor

D.C. Taxicab Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor on the D.C.Taxicab Commission. Both D.C. resident taxpayer supported government agencies. The Washington Post Company publishes the Washington Post's Newspaper, headquarters, District of Columbia, readership circulation --1.1 million and internet access. Washington Post Company, licensed by D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, an agency of the D.C. Government, supported by D.C. resident taxes. January 23, 2000, Taxicab Commissioner Seegars, appointed by Mayor Williams, authored document, entitled, "Tough Talk From A Commissioner", to the Washington Post Opinion Editorial Section:. 1. "Drivers are afraid of gangs of young black males". 2. "I would not pickup young black men dressed in a slovenly way, day or night". Statements are continued aggravation and harassment against all African Americans. Violates 1st 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th, and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Mayor made no immediate effort to remedy problem in terminating employment of Commissioner, D C Code 40-1705, clause (c). Mayor has neglected constitutional duties to immediately remedy continued constitutional and human rights violations against citizens in the District of Columbia.

These are grounds this Notice of Intent To Recall Mr. Anthony Williams from the Office of D.C. Mayor.

ANSWER BY: Hon. Anthony A. Williams, Mayor

I do not support and have strongly denounced the statements made by Ms. Seegars in her column in the Washington Post. Under District law, taxis must pick up all customers and may not discriminate on the basis of race. I strongly support these laws and oppose any form of racial profiling. I did not remove Ms. Seegars because she was speaking for herself as a private citizen and not for the Taxicab Commission or the District government.

I will not tolerate any official in the District government engaging in any form of racial discrimination. I immediately denounced Ms. Seegars statements in the Washington Post and called them "inexcusable." Moreover, my Chief of Staff, the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice, and my East of the River Community Liaison have met with Ms. Seegars and informed her that any action or continued statements of the kind will not be tolerated and will result in my asking for her resignation. As far as I am aware, Ms. Seegars has not continued to make these statements.

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