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Virgil Thompson for 5th Ward Council

Together We Will Make The 5th Ward Better

New Direction...New Leadership

Virgil is committed to making drinking water safer
Virgil is committed to expanding Vocational Education
Virgil is committed to Reforming Water/Sewage billing
Virgil is committed to Reforming Permits/Licenses process, making it a one stop process
Virgil is committed to a timely and consistent trash removal
Virgil is committed to UDC for full funding as a Land Grant Institution
Virgil is committed to government reform and over hauling contracting process eliminating fraud and waste
Virgil is committed to getting grants opposed to taxes
Virgil is committed to reforming the lottery system and increasing the chances for Power Ball players
Virgil is committed to improving Public Housing & more youth programs
Virgil is committed to bringing new businesses and retaining businesses in the 5th Ward & more trees & shrubbery
Virgil is committed to reducing the 5th Ward high unemployment
Virgil is committed to a Resident Review Commission of the Police Department
Virgil is committed to increase funding for aides, cancer and diabetes research
Virgil is committed to our seniors with preferential Homestead exemption
Virgil is committed to the quality of life for all residents a priority
Virgil is committed to “Lab” for students with learning disabilities in the 5th ward
Virgil is committed to No more waste dumps or transfer stations in the 5th Ward
Virgil is committed to reduced water sewage rates

Good Government

Quality Drinking Water

Improved & Expanded Education

Reformed Public Safety

Vote #2 Tuesday September 15th

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