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98 It’s Time For Change

Verging With

Virgil Thompson

For Ward 5

New Direction. . . New Leadership

It’s time to debate the Issues!

  • We must reduce Ward 5 Unemployment

  • Roll back Water Sewage Rates

  • Make Tap Water Safe

  • Reduce Taxes

  • We must make the Quality of Life a Priority



Virgil Thompson, a life long citizen of the District of Columbia, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education from the District of Columbia Teachers College. He began his professional career in 1966, serving as a member of the United States Armed Forces K-9 Corp., and was discharged honorably in 1970 with a Top Secret Clearance level.

Virgil has served the city in numerous capacities including; Veterans Counselor, Member of the Board of Higher Education, Trustee for the University of the District of Columbia and ANC Commissioner for three terms. As Co-Chairperson for Mayor Dixon's Transition Committee on Recreation he made favorable recommendations for improved managerial and administrative directions. He served as the Ethics Counsel for the Executive Office of the Mayor for four years, and Director of Community Services. He has developed and implemented training programs for a variety of workshop orientations, and co-authored a comprehensive ANC manual.

His tenure in the District Government included Special Assistant to the Mayor for Operations of Public Housing. In 1994, Virgil was recognized for his “Commitment, Dedication and Tireless Efforts...” for making changes and improvements in Public Housing. His ability to get things done produced favorable results throughout Ward 5 and the City. He served all administrative positions with loyalty and professionalism, and his work reflected ratings of “Outstanding” in all categories.

Virgil has appeared on numerous Radio and TV talk shows. One of his primary concerns is improving the quality of water and public health. There are many critical problems facing Ward 5. The past few years have seen the quality of the Public Health in our communities gradually erode. Our children and seniors are at risk. Contracts have become the order of the day and the quality of education is in disarray. We no longer feel safe drinking the Tap Water. The water rates have increased 42.2% as the services have declined. Tap Water and bottled water are a major health issue that must be addressed immediately. Virgil need Ward 5 to join in prorating and seeking a rebate on the water and sewage rates until the year 2020. Labeling disclosures and revised safety standards are necessary for bottled and tap water. We must have "truth" in labeling laws, with uniform rules for all bottled water and the entire water supply system. The public should not accept that tap and bottled water are safe.


Virgil is asking for your full support on September 15, 1998, for the 5th Ward Council Seat. This is one time your support can make a difference. Virgil has always gone beyond the call of duty for the 5th Ward and the city of The District of Columbia. He is currently available for public speaking, making recommendations on water, health and other social ills of the city

If you would like to volunteer, make a contribution, offer suggestions, or simply ask questions, please feel free to call (202-529-6611). We look forward to hearing from you. We welcome new ideas.

Servingly Yours,

Lee Rogers, Treasurer
A copy of our report is on file with the Director of Campaign Financing.

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