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Jack Evans is DC’s best chance for change.

As a member of the City Council representing the most diverse ward in the city, I have fought for fiscal responsibility, tough measures against crime and new ways to make city government accountable.

As Mayor, I will deliver quality schools, safe streets and a government that works.

Inside you will find my platform for change. For almost 20 years I have been working on behalf of District residents, as an ANC Commissioner, as an officer in the Democratic Party, as a Councilmember, and as a regional leader. I have the political experience and confidence to work with the Council, the Control Board and Congress to restore home rule.

If you believe the District needs a change, join my campaign.

Evans' signature



About Jack EvansJack Evans, small portrait


  • University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School of Finance, Graduated with Honors, 1975
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Law, 1978


  • Councilmember for Ward 2, 1991 to present
  • Chairman of Metro, 1994 and 1997
  • Chairman of the Board, Council of Governments, 1995
  • DC Co-Chair, Clinton Presidential Campaign, 1992
  • Chairman, ANC 2B, 1989 to 1990
  • Treasurer, DC Democratic State Committee, 1989 to 1991
  • Attorney, US Securities & Exchange Commission, 1978 to 1984
  • Attorney, Baker and Hostetler, 1988 to present


  • Married to Noel Soderberg Evans. Father of triplets: Katherine, John and Christine. Proud owner of dog, Kayla.
  • Sponsored the 1997 “President’s Plan” to restore fiscal stability to the District.
  • Played an instrumental role in hiring Chief Charles Ramsey to head the Metropolitan Police Department.
  • Voted to restore $90 million to the DC school budget for the upcoming school year.
  • Worked to defeat the 1995 proposed property tax increase, the 1993 proposed Gross Receipts Tax, and other fiscally irresponsible legislation
  • Has been a strong advocate for economic development projects, including the new MCI Center and the proposed Convention Center.
  • Successfully promoted the development of Business Improvement Districts.
  • Currently Chairs the Shaw Crime Task Force, which serves as a model for promoting community public safety.
  • Currently Co-Chair of the Special Committee on Police Misconduct and Personnel Management, which investigates corruption and mismanagement in the Metropolitan Police Department. This is the first Council Committee in 23 years to exercise its authority to issue subpoenas.
  • Won passage of many legislation initiatives addressing quality-of-life problems such as prostitution, abandoned buildings, litter, and aggressive panhandling.


Evans marching before supporters down street

Making DC Government Work

The biggest task facing the next Mayor will be to help build real professionalism and accountability inside DC city government. We must break the culture of non-performance, make every employee accountable to real standards and reward those individuals who perform excellent work. At a higher level, we must restore fiscal responsibility and win back home rule.

ACCOUNTABILITY; We must raise the standards we expect from DC employees, and we must increase the consequences for failing to perform. Every employee serves the people of this city and owes them a good day’s work and a competent performance.

BALANCING THE BUDGET: DC’s budget is finally balanced, but times are good. We need to use our surplus to pay down debt and learn the discipline necessary to give citizens a fair return on their taxes.

Reclaiming our Neighborhoods

While other cities have achieved dramatic reductions in crime, Washington still struggles to gain control of our streets. We spend more than enough money to enforce the law. Here is how we can finally get results.

REDEPLOY THE DC POLICE DEPARTMENT: We need to move 1000 more police to patrol duty. We need at least 2200 of our 3600 police officers walking the beat. We need a well-equipped, well-trained and well-paid police department.

ACCOUNTABILITY: We need to shift authority to the precinct level and require progress in reducing crime. Leaders who cannot restore order will be given additional support. Those who still can’t restore order and reduce crime should be replaced.

TECHNOLOGY: We are adding new technology to fight crime. We need training and clear performance mandates.

RAISE RECRUITING STANDARDS: We need better background checks on new recruits, higher education standards and higher pay. Improving the quality of personnel is key to improving the department.

PREVENTIVE HARASSMENT: Most criminal gangs have long records. You can reduce violence by targeting law enforcement, strict parole supervision and drug testing against the most violent gangs. This strategy reduced homicide in Boston by two-thirds.

SHUT DOWN DRUG MARKETS: We need to shut down the approximately 60 open air drug markets.

ENLIST THE COMMUNITY: A key factor is convincing residents that they can report drug crimes and identify offenders without compromising their safety. We must build a strong partnership with the community and empower them to fight drug traffic.

SPEEDY DRUG COURTS: Specialized courts capable of delivering swift punishment are key.

Fixing Our Schools

INSTITUTE SCHOOL-BASED MANAGEMENT: How do we make DC public schools effective? We give principals the freedom to do their jobs. We must give principals the ability to innovate, hire and fire teachers, and to supervise all aspects of their schools.

REPAIR OUR SCHOOL BUILDINGS: School-based management can be a big help in repairing our schools. We must make a one-time allocation to bring our facilities up to standard and then institute a plan to maintain them.

SET PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Principals should be graded by the performance of the students in their schools. Teachers should be graded by the progress of students in their classrooms. Students must show a mastery of grade-appropriate subjects before being promoted to the next grade level. Under the Evans administration, performance standards will be clearly spelled out.

DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY: Principals and teachers who cannot improve student performance should be removed. Schools that cannot teach our kids should be shut down and restaffed — from top to bottom.

GET AUTHORITY OVER THE SUPERINTENDENT: As Mayor, I will seek a change in the Home Rule Charter to give the Mayor the power to hire and fire the School Superintendent. Without that authority, the Mayor has limited ability to affect the needed reforms.

PROVIDE CLASSROOM SUPPORT: In the District, where many children come from disadvantaged households, we need more individual attention in the classroom. My goals are to provide one computer for every five students, limit class sizes to no more than 15 students in the early grades, and 18 students in the middle grades.

ENSURE A FOCUSED AND SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: In addition to demanding student performance, we must restore order in our schools. Any student bringing weapons or drugs to school will be expelled and placed in an alternative school. School principals should be empowered to revoke or prevent the issuance of a driver’s license for any truant or student who does not meet basic standards of conduct.

ENCOURAGING PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT: Many good teachers struggle because education is not supported at home. We must reach out to parents in new ways. Parents should be asked to sign a contract at the beginning of the school year outlining their responsibility for attendance, homework and student performance. Parents of truant students should be required to enroll in parenting classes.

CAP ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: My standard is simple — 90% of the money goes to the classroom. As Mayor, I will make drastic cuts in the administrative staff. I will give qualified and willing administrators a chance to return to the classrooms. But any employee who cannot perform a valuable function will be asked to leave. The needs of our children must come first.

Jack Evans for Mayor
1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
P.O. Box 7615
Washington, DC 20044-7615
Paid for by Evans for Mayor, Walter E. Beach, Treasurer

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