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Jack Evans, wife, and tripletsAbout


  • University University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School of Finance Graduated with Honors, 1975
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Law, 1978


  • Councilman for Ward 2, 1991 to present
  • Chairman of Metro, 1994 and 1997
  • Chairman of the Board, Council of Governments, 1995
  • DC Co-Chair, Clinton Presidential Campaign, 1992
  • Chairman, ANC 2B, 1989 to 1990
  • Treasurer, DC Democratic State Committee, 1989 to 1991
  • Attorney, US Securities & Exchange Commission, 1978 to 1984
  • Attorney, Baker and Hostetler, 1988 to present


  • Married to Noel Soderberg Evans. Father of triplets: Katherine, John and Christine.

Evans for Mayor logo

1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, WDC 202-347-5555
website — www.evansformayor.com
email — Jack@evansformayor.com
Paid for by Evans for Mayor, Walter E. Beach, Treasurer

Evans for Mayor logo


  • Sponsored the 1997 “President’s Plan” to restore fiscal stability to the District.
  • Played an instrumental role in hiring Chief Charles Ramsey to head the Metropolitan Police Department.
  • Voted to restore $90 million to the DC school budget for the upcoming school year.
  • Worked to defeat the 1995 proposed property tax increase, the 1993 proposed Gross Receipts Tax, and other fiscally irresponsible legislation.
  • Has been a strong advocate for economic development projects, including the new MCI Center and the proposed Convention Center.
  • Successfully promoted the development of Business Improvement Districts.
  • Currently Chairs the Shaw Crime Task Force, which serves as a model for promoting community public safety.
  • Currently Co-Chair of the Special Committee on Police Misconduct and Personnel Management, which investigates corruption and mismanagement in the Metropolitan Police Department. This is the first Council Committee in 23 years to exercise its authority to issue subpoenas.
  • Won passage of many legislative initiatives addressing quality-of-life problems such as prostitution, abandoned buildings, litter, and aggressive panhandling.

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