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Jack Evans on Fighting DC Crime

“In Boston they have 2400 police with 1850 officers patrolling the streets.

“In DC, we have 3600 police, but only 1000 are on street patrol.

“Elect me Mayor, and I will move 1000 more officers away from their desks and into our neighborhoods.

“Elect me Mayor, and I will implement my comprehensive plan to build professionalism on the force and reduce crime citywide.”

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How we can take back our streets in Washington, DC.

“Here are the real steps we need to rebuild our police department and make our city safe.”

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While other cities have achieved dramatic reductions in crime, we are still struggling to gain control of our streets. We spend more than enough money to enforce the law. Here is how we can finally get results:

Redeploying Officers

In Boston, there are 2400 police and 1850 patrol the streets. In DC, a city the same size, we have 3600 police but only 1000 patrol the streets. I will work with Chief Ramsey to move at least 1000 more police away from desk work and out on patrol.

Speedy Drug Courts

We will create specialized courts capable of delivering swift action.

Evict Drug Dealers

We will help landlords to begin eviction proceedings against dealers.

Protect Witnesses

We will introduce a program that offers protection to witnesses and landlords who provide tips that lead to police actions against drug dealers. We must identify the dealers and evict them from their places of business.

Targeted Sweeps

We have enough police to establish a permanent presence at our worst drug markets. Our measures should include street closures and check-points that would restrict passage to only law abiding residents.

Clean Bail Money

We will require drug dealers to show a legitimate source for their bail money.

Shut Down Drug Markets

We must make DC an especially painful place to do business for drug dealers.

Raise Recruiting Standards

We need more comprehensive background checks on new recruits, higher education standards, and higher pay. Improving the quality of personnel is key to improving the department.


We will add computers and other modern law enforcement technology. Then, we will provide training and make sure these tools are used.

Restore Accountability

We will shift authority to the precinct level and require progress in reducing crime. Commanders who cannot restore order will be given additional support. Those who still can’t restore order and reduce crime will be replaced.

Preventative Harassment Against Gangs

Most criminal gang members have long criminal records. We will reduce violence by targeting gangs, enforcing strict parole supervision, and drug testing the gang members. This strategy reduced homicide in Boston by two-thirds.

Help Landlords Screen Tenants

DC will help landlords keep out drug dealers by educating landlords how to screen tenants, and how to identify repeat narcotics offenders.