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Only one candidate for Mayor has a real plan to save DC public schools

photo of Jack Evans “To change our schools we need a mayor who cares more about helping our children than protecting employees who don’t do their jobs.

“I will cut administration and give local schools the ability to make decisions. And I will hold every principal and teacher accountable. Every school will be like a “charter school.”

“If you want a real change, please take a minute and read my plan to save our kids.”

Jack Evans' signature

How Jack Evans can save DC public schools.

Jack Evans will make the real changes we need to fix public schools

Demand Accountability

Principals and teachers who cannot improve student performance will be removed. Schools that cannot teach our kids should be restaffed — top to bottom.

Repaid Our Buildings

School-based management will be a big help in repairing our schools. We must make a one-time allocation to bring our facilities up to standard and then institute a plan to maintain them.

Cap Administrative Expanses

My standard is simple — 90% of the money goes to the classrooms. As Mayor, I will make drastic cuts in the administrative staff. I will give qualified and willing administrators a change to return to the classrooms. Any employee who cannot perform a valuable function will be asked to leave.

Encouraging Parental Involvement

Many good teachers struggle because education is not supported at home. We must reach out to parents in new ways. Parents should be asked to sign a contract at the beginning of the school year outlining their responsibility for attendance, homework and student performance. Parents of truant students will be required to enroll in parenting classes.

Performance Standards

Principals will be graded by the performance of the students in their schools. Teachers will be graded by the progress of students in their classrooms. Students must show a mastery of grade-appropriate subjects before being promoted to the next grade level. Under the Evans administration, performance standards will be clearly spelled out.

Smaller Class Size

In the District, where many children come from disadvantaged households, we need more individual attention in the classroom. My goals are to provide one computer for every five students, limit class sizes to no more than 15 students in early grades, and restrict middle grades to 18 students.

Safer Schools

In addition to demanding student performance, we must restore order in our schools. Any student bringing weapons or drugs to school will be expelled and placed in an alternative school. School principals should be empowered to revoke or prevent the issuance of a driver’s license for any truant or student who does not meet basic standards of conduct.

School-Based Management

How do we make DC public schools effective? We give principals the tools and the freedom to do their jobs. We must give principals control over an annual budget that gives them the ability to innovate, hire and fire teachers, and to supervise all aspects of their schools. Every school will be like a “charter school.”

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