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Harold Brazil
for Mayor. . .
for government that WORKS
for YOU!

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I recognize and respect the valuable contributions so many seniors have made and are making in our communities. I know you love DC as I do. As Mayor, I will continue to support the programs and services that you need and deserve. I want to assure you that I will be your advocate for good health care, affordable housing, informational assistance, recreation and transportation. I hope you will work with me to make our city work again. I would be honored to win your vote on Sept. 15th.

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Our children are our future!
As Mayor, Brazil will:

  • build a strong public education system to prepare our children to live and work in a technological society;
  • establish a Department of Education specifically charged with providing a first-rate education system for all our children;
  • offer educational choices for our children: vocational and technical education schools, magnet schools, Charter schools;
  • provide elementary school teachers with excellent training, better pay, an aide in every classroom, and smaller class sizes;
  • increase parental involvement in our schools;
  • continue to lead the fight to fund our summer jobs program; as he worked his way through college, Brazil had a summer job!;
  • continue efforts to make sure education dollars reach the classroom; he recently fought to keep the school system from cutting librarians, guidance counselors, and kindergarten teachers.

Brazil wants you to be safe! He:

  • wrote all major anti-crime laws passed in the last seven years;
  • led a successful fight for bills that created stiffer sentences for criminals using guns, no parole for convicted murder felons, tough anti-car-jacking penalties, and mandatory life sentences without parole for first degree murderers;
  • fought to increase Police on the street — and has pledged, as Mayor, to double police in our neighborhoods, and triple the number of police offers on neighborhood foot patrols.

Brazil’s record for accountable government:

  • won unanimous passage of a bill to reform the government’s contracting procedures to eliminate waste and fraud;
  • wrote the law setting performance standards for managers;
  • opposed the “tax-and-spend” policies which led to establishment of the Control Board;
  • won unanimous Council approval of the Brazil School’s Accountability Amendment this spring.

Brazil looked out for your money!

  • only Council member to vote against the bloated FY 95 budget.
  • only Council member to vote against $60 million in tax increases.
  • wrote a law to reform DC’s contracting process, which will eventually save $100 million a year of your tax dollars;
  • led the successful effort to save $1.2 billion in fund assets from the Federal take-over of our pension fund;
  • led and won the fight to freeze your property taxes.

Harold Brazil is a winner!

  • the only candidate for Mayor who has won a city-wide race;
  • defeated a 16-year incumbent in his first Council election;
  • won 91% of the vote in his re-election to the Ward 6 seat in 1994;
  • got 34,000 more votes than any other in the 1996 At-Large race.

Brazil has experience D.C. needs!

  • worked with small business as President of the Washington Local Development Corporation;
  • worked with Members of Congress as a lobbyist and as Legislative Counsel on the staff of US Senator John Glenn;
  • worked in the corporate world as Director of Government Relations for PEPCO.

Harold Brazil's vision, a DC:

  • where public schools provide quality education, our children excel in school, sports, and the arts, and all of our youth have an opportunity to fulfill their potential to lead productive lives;
  • where neighborhoods are safe and our seniors can go out at night or sit on their front porches without fear;
  • where our communities have grocery stores, a variety of retail stores and family restaurants;
  • where employment is up and residents can find good jobs;
  • where streets are clean, safe, and without potholes;
  • where police walk the beat and arrive quickly when called;
  • where housing is affordable and basic services are delivered courteously and efficiently.

Brazil needs your support to get the job done!


Call or stop by to volunteer.
BRAZIL ’98, 1630 Connecticut Ave. NW, DC 20009
(202) 667-7790

Paid for by the Brazil ’98 Committee, Jack Mahoney, Tres. A copy of our report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance.

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