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"I support rent control in the District of Columbia."

– Harold Brazil

Brazil's Bill of Tenant's Rights

Brazil Unequivocally Supports Rent Control.

Brazil Tells the Control Board: "Hands-Off Rent Control."

Brazil Unequivocally Supports Rent Control for Senior Citizens.

Brazil Unequivocally Supports Re-Enactment of Rent Control.

Brazil Supports the Rental Housing Conversion and Sales Act.

Brazil Supports Expedited Eviction of Drug-Dealers from Rental Housing, Because Tenants Deserve Crime-Free Housing.

"Rent control is a home rule issue. The Control Board and Congress should let the people's elected representatives decide the issue of rent control. The Control Board should keep its hands off rent control."

– Harold Brazil

To Help Brazil Help Tenants, Contact Robert Hodgson:
Brazil '98, 1630 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 4th floor.
(202) 667-7790

Paid for by the Brazil '98 Committee, John J. Mahoney, Treasurer.

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