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Martin Thomas, DC Statehood-Green Party Candidate for
US Shadow Representative in the
November 7, 2000, General Election

Press release, July 2000

For immediate Release
July 26, 2000
contact: Wayne Turner @ (202) 547-9404


Washington, DC -- A group of District residents were arrested today at the US   Capitol, protesting a House of Representatives vote on the DC Appropriations Bill. Eight men and women chanted "Free DC" and "DC Votes NO" from the House visitor's gallery before being taken into custody by US Capitol Police.

The protesters decried the lack of full democracy for District residents, who have no voting representation in Congress. House Republicans have attached a series of anti-democratic 'riders' to the District's budget, reflecting an ultra-conservative, right wing ideology. These include restrictions on DC's clean needle exchange program, domestic partners law, abortion services for low-income women, insurance coverage for contraception, and the Barr amendment, which prevents the District from implementing its medical marijuana ballot initiative - approved by 69% of DC voters in November, 1998.

"We refuse to sit by and watch Congress hijack democracy," states Martin Thomas, the DC Statehood Green Party candidate for US 'Shadow' Representative. "Congress should instead disband the control board and award DC that Statehood status it deserves." Thomas, one of the protesters arrested today, added, "I hope others will join us in standing up to this illegitimate, undemocratic process."

According to a statement circulated by the group, who are members of the Stand Up for Democracy in DC Coalition, "Such blatant and systematic violation of basic democratic principles occurs no where else in the United States. Why do we allow it here? And why is this criminal activity being perpetuated by the very institution that is sworn to uphold the democratic rights of free people to govern themselves as they see fit?"

The DC Democracy 7 will stand trial at D.C. Superior Court on September 29 where they face up to six months in prison and/or $500 fines. A pre-trial D.C. Democracy rally will be held on September 19 at 8 am outside of the courthouse at 500 Indiana Ave. NW.

Who they are:
Karen Szulgit, Debbie Hanrahan, Bette Hoover, Tanya Snyder, Queen Mother Shemaya, Steve Donkin, Martin Thomas

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